April 2019 - Town Council Meeting Minutes

The Gilbert Town Council met on Monday, April 8, 2019, with Mayor Donnie Cason and Councilmembers Monti Caughman, Nancy Harmon, John Reeder, and Mark Sanders present. Guests present were County Councilman Larry Brigham, Resident Deputy Jaimie Gwyn, Mr. Kenny Garcia, and Zoning Administrator Fred Taylor.

Mayor Cason welcomed everyone, especially County Councilman Brigham; Councilman Sanders led prayer; and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all.

County Councilman Brigham gave an overview of his past four years. Part of his work included work on developing the Industrial Park in Batesburg-Leesville. CR Jackson Construction Company is interested in locating there and at first he was very hesitant about this. He has reviewed their other plants and facilities and they are very clean. There is steam put off but no smoke. Theirs will be a 23 acre lot and the plant will have no smell and very little noise. They will employ 40 to 50 employees. The County and Batesburg-Leesville will benefit from this. There is another possible occupant coming but nothing is sure on this.

There are many roads on the list to be resurfaced in our area. Peach Festival is on this list. Mayor Cason asked about the dilapidated building on Peach Festival Road and the possibility of the County attaching a lien on the tax bill if the town has this taken down. Councilman Brigham will check on this. Councilman Brigham was thanked for attending the meeting and he left.

Mayor Cason stated Ms. Stephanie Williams had called and will not be at this meeting. She may come at a later time.


MINUTES: Councilmember Harmon made a motion to approve the March minutes as distributed. Councilmember Caughman seconded the motion and it carried. Councilmember Harmon stated she and Councilmember Caughman went to the dedication of the new facilities at Lexington Medical Center and this facility is amazing.

FINANCIAL REPORT: Mrs. Derrick distributed the financial report. The total accounts balance was $388,890.78.


ROADS: Mayor Cason stated SCDOT fixed the place on Main Street and Councilmember Harmon stated it looks horrible and Mayor Cason stated he will call SCDOT back and see if they can redo this. Councilmember Harmon asked about the drive at the Big Blue Marble and Mayor Cason stated he will check into this as well.

UTILITIES: Nothing to report.

BEAUTIFICATION: Councilmember Caughman stated she received a call about the historic trees that were taken down on the First Baptist Church property - the oak and the hackberry. Mr. Taylor stated these were not included in the permit he issued. Councilmember Caughman asked what is to be done about these trees. Councilman Sanders stated big, dead limbs have fallen off these trees in the past. Mr. Taylor stated these 4 trees will need to be replaced with like trees.

Councilmember Caughman stated there is an individual, Mr. Keith Berry, who can research and find the person who owns the property on Peach Festival Road. She stated we must have a paper trail on this house.

MAINTENANCE: Councilman Sanders stated he got a text from Mr. Harold Taylor and the men came out to work on the town hall roof and he is still looking for crossties. Councilmember Harmon stated there are some in the back of the old tennis courts behind her and there may be some good ones there that he could check into.

SPECIAL EVENTS: Nothing until the 4 th .

ZONING AND PLANNING: Chairman McGinty was not present but Mrs. Derrick reported the two new members will have their orientation training on April 25 th .

RESIDENT DEPUTY: Deputy Gwyn stated all is quiet in town and they are working on the Peach Festival.

DEPOT: Councilmember Harmon stated Mr. Derrick did an excellent job on the handrails at the Depot. Ms. Fouste had received a call from Mr. Jason London about something for the Depot.

VETERANS’ MONUMENT: Mr. Taylor stated new straw has been put out and the grass planted at the monument. He stated this was done by Ashley and Anna McLeod. He asked that a letter of thanks be sent to them as we have received no bill for this. Mr. Taylor stated the monument is now completed.


PLANNING MEETING - ESTABLISHED GOALS: Mayor Cason stated he would like to see the building on Peach Festival gone before the Peach Festival if possible.

The bank building needs to be cleaned up. Councilmember Caughman suggested that it be gutted and she further stated that Mr. Caughman feels there is mold and asbestos there. Mr. Garcia stated there must be an asbestos inspection completed first. He stated the approximate cost of this will be $1,500 and he can get the names of some companies if the Council would like for him to. Mayor Cason talked with Mr. Graham Taylor and he will get out and get us an estimate on the cost of the roof on the Main Street shell.

The first goal from the planning meeting (notes attached) was to look at annexation and the possibility of removing property taxes as a result. We need to see if the Post Office will accept Sweet Song. We need to increase the Comporium franchise fee from 3 to 5 percent. Mayor Cason and Senator Massey will meet and try to identify the streets that need resurfacing the most.

Councilmember Caughman asked about the letter to the schools regarding the fact that their signs are not in compliance. Mr. Taylor indicated these letters have not been sent.


BUDGET 2019-20: Mayor Cason stated we need to put notice in the Twin City 15 days prior to the readings of the yearly budget. Mrs. Derrick will handle this. Mrs. Derrick distributed the current budget with the current received/spent amounts. She will present the proposed budget at the next meeting. She asked for input from Council on the proposed amounts for each category.

OTHER BUSINESS: Council was reminded of the election on April 9 th and Mrs. Derrick asked if Council should con- sider changing our election to November as we are the only town holding elections in April. We will need to determine when the elected officials would take office.

CORRESPONDENCE: Mayor Cason stated he will plan to go to the annual Association meeting in Greenville. The town received an invitation to a fish fry at Pine Island that is sponsored by BIA. This will be held on April 11 from 6 to 9.

There being no further business, Councilmember Caughman motioned to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted, JoAnn Derrick, Clerk/Treasurer