June 2019 - Town Council Meeting Minutes
/The Gilbert Town Council met on Monday, June 10, 2019, with Mayor Donnie Cason and Councilmembers Nancy Harmon, John Reeder, and Mark Sanders present. Guests present was Zoning Administrator Fred Taylor.
Mayor Cason welcomed everyone; Councilman Sanders led prayer; and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all.
MINUTES: Councilman Reeder made a motion to approve the May minutes as distributed. Councilmember Harmon seconded the motion and it carried.
FINANCIAL REPORT: Mrs. Derrick distributed the financial report. The total accounts balance was $411,633.41. Councilmember Harmon questioned about the fact that she, Mayor Cason, and Councilmember Caughman could not be paid without this affecting their MediCare coverage. Mayor Cason will check on this to see if anything has changed on this.
ROADS: Mayor Cason stated SCDOT has a work order for the drive at the Big Blue Marble and Reeder Street. Councilmember Harmon stated the work done on Main Street was not a very good job and is very rough. Mayor Cason stated Senator Massey is trying to get more of our streets repaired. Mayor Cason will ask for a work order for a dead tree on right-of-way at Mrs. Terry Jones property on Broad Street. She also asked about a bush being cut back at her drive as it is blocking her view when she is coming out of her drive.
UTILITIES: Nothing to report.
BEAUTIFICATION: Nothing to report.
MAINTENANCE: Mayor Cason stated the Municipal Association is offering a free defensive driving course and he recommended that Mr. Harold Taylor attend this. Council felt this would be appropriate and Mr. Taylor will register himself.
SPECIAL EVENTS: Mayor Cason stated Deputy Gwyn said everything is on schedule with the Peach Festival. Mayor Cason will ride in the parade and invited all Council to join him.
ZONING AND PLANNING: Nothing to report.
RESIDENT DEPUTY: Deputy Gwyn was not present as she came by and was going home sick. She did state she had caught another person related to the loud music.
DEPOT: Nothing to report.
VETERANS’ MONUMENT: Nothing to report.
OLD BUSINESS: SEPTIC SYSTEM AT GREEN HOUSE: Mr. Rogers obtained three bids for this repair with a gravel pit landfill. After some discussion, Councilman Reeder made a motion to go with the low Council Minutes – June 10, 2019 Page 2 bid of $2,300 with the town and the renter splitting the bill. Councilman Sanders seconded and it carried.
LETTER DELIVERED TO REMOVE DILAPIDATED HOUSE: Mayor Cason reported the letter was delivered. Mrs. Derrick stated she received a call regarding this stating they had a very serious illness in the family and have discussed this but cannot make a firm commitment on this now but will get back with us. Councilmember Harmon recommended that we follow up on this because we do have additional buildings in town that need attention and we need to handle this one and move to another. Councilmember Harmon made a motion to set a date of July 5, 2019 and if nothing has happened by that date, we need to take further action. Council felt this was appropriate.
There was also discussion on the Asbill property on Waters Ferry Road and the fact that the building needs to be condemned and locked. A letter needs to be written to Mr. Marty Taylor with the County regarding this.
COMPORIUM FRANCHISE - SECOND READING: Mayor Cason stated he talked with the Association attorney and we cannot proceed with this ordinance as laws have changed. If an agreement with PBT/Comporium is changed, the Secretary of State must be given 45 days to review this agreement. We will table this and come back to it when Mayor Cason received guidance from the Municipal Association’s attorney or from the Association.
FIRST READING ON ORDINANCE TO CHANGE TOWN ELECTIONS FROM APRIL TO NOVEMBER: Mayor Cason called for a motion of this and Councilman Reeder made a motion to change our Town election from April to November. Councilmember Harmon seconded the motion and it carried. Final reading will be at the July meeting.
PICNIC SHELTERS AT PARK NEED NEW ROOF: Mayor Cason stated Mr. McGinty is working on this and he will ask him to include this in his list of needs for the Heritage park area.
SIDEWALKS: Mayor Cason stated he talked with Councilman Brigham and he said if the Town will get the cost of these, he will try to get some assistance with grant money for these. Councilman Reeder stated Mr. Brett Reeder is doing some sidewalks for the Town of Columbia. He was asked to get an estimate for these sidewalks. Mayor Cason stated we will need three bids when we are ready to get these put in. He stated the sidewalks will go down Rikard Circle, up Juniper Springs, and up Lewie to connect the current sidewalks.
BUDGET 2019-20: Mayor Cason stated we will table this until the last item of business.
PARTTIME WORKER HOURS INCREASE FOR SUMMER & ADDITIONAL DUTIES: Mayor Cason stated he had been asked about extending Mr. Rankin’s hours to 20 hours per week and increase his duties. Council felt this was fine. Councilman Sanders stated they are using Mr. Rankin’s work as an example for other students. He further stated the shirts should be coming soon.
PURCHASE BLADE SHARPENER AND CHAIN SAW: Mayor Cason stated the blade sharpener will not be purchased as it was not a good one and the chain saw is being repaired.
REEDER STREET: Mayor Cason stated Mr. John Reeder, Jr. had contacted him because the railroad wanted to close Reeder Street. If this is done all the residents on this street will have to come in from Hayes Crossing or Waters Ferry on Isiah Hall Road. Councilman Reeder stated the County has never maintained this street. The Southern Railroad wants to close this crossing and has offered to buy the property. The public safety issue needs to be considered if this crossing is closed. Mayor Cason talked with Councilman Brigham and he is going to make a contact on this. Councilmember Harmon recommended that the town assist in the request to keep the crossing open and suggested that the town write a letter to Southern Railroad asking that the crossing remain open.
Councilman Sanders made a motion to go into Executive session in order to discuss salaries. Councilmember Harmon seconded the motion and it carried. After returning from Executive Session, Councilman Sanders recommended that Council purchase a golf cart or gator for the maintenance crew to use in performing their duties. Council felt this was a good idea and Councilman Sanders made a motion to raise the amount in the equipment category from $1,500 to $10,000. Councilman Reeder seconded the motion and it carried. Councilman Reeder made a motion to the give second reading approval of the 2019-20 budget for a total budget of $209,490. Councilman Sanders seconded the motion and it carried.
OTHER BUSINESS: Mayor Cason stated Councilmember Caughman had been contacted about no mail delivery on Church Street. After some discussion, it was decided Mayor Cason should write a letter stating this is a legal road and mail should be delivered.
CORRESPONDENCE: Mayor Cason stated we received a thank you letter from the Middle School for the donation for a disc golf course at the school.
A letter was received from the US Census stating they will be sending a letter regarding new construction in town. This was received as information.
There being no further business, Councilman Sanders motioned to adjourn.
Respectfully submitted, JoAnn Derrick, Clerk/Treasurer