May 2020 - Town Council Meeting Minutes

The Gilbert Town Council met on Monday, May 11, 2020, with Mayor Donnie Cason and Councilmembers Nancy Harmon and John Reeder present.  Guest present was Mr. Jason London.  

Mayor Cason welcomed everyone, Councilman Reeder led in prayer, and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all.

COMMUNITY INPUT:  Mr. London stated he was present to discuss the property on Peach Festival with the house that is being torn down.  He has been working on this and will continue to as time permits until everything is down and cleaned up.  Mayor Cason thanked him and encouraged him to continue working on this.  

MINUTES:  Councilmember Harmon recommended that under Maintenance, it should state that the leak behind the paint is “in the Town Hall building”.  With this addition, Councilmember Harmon made a motion to approve the March minutes.  Councilman Reeder seconded the motion and it carried. 

FINANCIAL REPORT:  The financial report was given by Mrs. Derrick.  She reported an accounts balance of $455,038.33.  


ROADS:  Mayor Cason stated they continue to work on potholes and there is no update on Peach Festival Road.  

UTILITIES:    Mayor Cason stated there was a light out at the corner of Peachtree and Hampton and they came to repair this immediately after it was reported.        

BEAUTIFICATION:  Councilmember Harmon stated the roses have been beautiful but the sun has been rough on them recently.    

MAINTENANCE:   Nothing to report.

SPECIAL EVENTS:  Mayor Cason stated the Peach Festival has been cancelled due to COVID-19. 

ZONING AND PLANNING:  Mayor Cason stated Chairman McGinty was out of town but they will be meeting May 14th.  Several residents in Sweet Song are very interested in being in town and he will pass this information on to Chairman McGinty.  

RESIDENT DEPUTY:  Deputy Gwyn was not present; therefore, no report.     

DEPOT:  Nothing to report.


OLD BUILING ON MAIN STREET:   Mayor Cason stated the contractor Mr. Ron Schultz referred to us stated he would not put a roof on the current walls as he did not feel they could hold it.  He would put a new wall on the inside and tie this in to the current wall.  Mayor Cason has not heard back from him with a quote.

GRADUATE RECOGNITION:  Mayor Cason stated Mr. Fred Taylor received a request about putting graduate pictures up Main Street for the graduates.  Council cannot give permission for placing signs on private property or on road right-of-way as that would need to come from SCDOT.  Graduation is May 28 at 8:00 a.m. at the school stadium.  Councilmember Harmon stated she would like to see a banner across Main Street saying “Congratulations Gilbert Graduates 2020”.  She has checked on the cost of this and it should be approximately $500.  This would come from our Community Support category of the budget.  Councilmember Harmon made a motion to purchase this banner and have it hung as soon as possible.  Councilman Reeder seconded the motion and it carried.  Councilmember Harmon will handle this.

UPDATE ON NEW SCHOOL ATTENDANCE LINE:  Mayor Cason stated we have no new information.  


GREEN HOUSE RENT:  Mayor Cason stated Council had been contacted about waiving the April rent for the Salon due to their having to close due to COVID-19 and this was approved.  They were appreciative of this and Mr. Rogers asked if Council would consider May as well.  Councilman Reeder made a motion to waive the May rent.  Councilmember Harmon seconded the motion and it carried.

ANNUAL MEETING:  Mayor Cason stated he will be attending the Annual meeting and has already made his reservations and will get this to Mrs. Derrick in order for it to come from this year’s budget.

BUDGET 2020-2021 – FIRST READING:   Mrs. Derrick distributed the current budget and the standings as it relates to income and expenses.  She also presented the proposed balanced budget for 20-21 showing the amount of $205,490 which reflects a $4,000 reduction.  After some discussion, Councilman Reeder made a motion to give this first reading approval.  Councilmember Harmon seconded the motion and it carried.  Mayor Cason stated we will have final reading on this at our June meeting and salaries will be discussed at that time.    


CORRESPONDENCE:  Nothing to report. 

There being no further business, Councilmember Harmon motioned to adjourn.   

Respectfully submitted,

JoAnn Derrick, Clerk/Treasurer