Town Council Meeting Minutes - August 14, 2023

The Gilbert Town Council met on Monday, August 14, 2023, with Mayor John Reeder and Councilmembers Pat Carson, Nancy Harmon, Cory Rish, and Mark Sanders present.   Guests present were Deputy Joshua Boozer, Mr. Donnie Cason, and Attorney James Snell.    

Mayor Reeder welcomed everyone and asked Councilman Sanders to lead in prayer.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all. 

COMMUNITY INPUT – Councilmember Harmon stated she had received a request from a Student Council member from the high school requesting some assistance from the Gilbert Town Council for a Fall Student Council rally that will be held in October with approximately 600 delegates in attendance.  Councilman Sanders made a motion to donate $250 for this rally.  Councilman Carson seconded the motion and it carried.  

MINUTES – Councilmember Harmon stated she was very disturbed that she was not at Council meeting last month but she had it on her calendar for the third Monday.  She asked about the letter regarding the cars, boats, etc.  Mayor Reeder stated no letter was sent but he talked with Mr. Amick about the abandoned cars in his yard and he had told Mayor Reeder that he is trying to get these moved but he has COPD and is not able to do this but was working on getting someone else to move them.  It was noted there is a third car there now.  It was noted that boats do not qualify as automotive vehicles.  Mrs. Derrick had made another contact and that vehicle now has a tag on it, 

Councilmember Harmon thanked Mayor Reeder for getting the pine straw put out at the Post Office as it looks so much better.  

Councilmember Harmon asked about the sign at Joey’s and it was noted work is being done on the building for the after-school care business and the meeting is scheduled for August 15th on this.  

Councilmember Harmon stated she was shocked to learn that streets were closed early for the Peach Festival and many people parked way away (Zion Hopewell) and walked for some distance when there were many parking spaces up the hill.

Mayor Reeder recommended that another word be used rather than “ushered out” regarding the executive session.  Mr. Cason did say that was the word he used.  Councilman Sanders made a motion to approved the minutes as distributed.  

FINANCIAL REPORT – Mrs. Derrick distributed the financial report and indicated this is not a complete report as the financial records are at the accountants and a complete report will be distributed after these records are returned.  This was received as information.  


ROADS – Councilman Carson stated he had nothing new to report. 

UTILITIES – Councilman Rish stated there is a light out at the faculty parking lot on Main Street.  The light is still burning all the time in front of the Scout Hut on Juniper Springs and there is one out just past that one.  He will get the pole numbers for the Mayor.     

BEAUTIFICATION/LANDSCAPING - Councilmember Harmon stated she had talked with Mr. Harold Taylor and they thought we needed about 60 flags for all around town as well as new hardware for these.    She recommended the American flags for May 15 through September 15, Fall flags for September 15 through November, Christmas decorations then, and questioned Winter, Spring, etc.  We need to order now for Winter and Spring.  Councilmember Harmon stated she went down to work on the flowers and Mrs. 

McLeod was there and stated she will be looking for some flowers for the fall.  She questioned the blue box at the fire department and Mayor Reeder stated he will make a contact regarding this to see if it can be moved to another location.  Councilmember Harmon stated she would like to see some signs saying “Welcome to Main Street”.  She also stated Mr. Kyle Miller came by her house and they talked about some type awning for the bank building on the corner.   

MAINTENANCE – Councilman Sanders stated Mr. Ben Anderson is still working very good and he would like to discuss next month about fulltime work for him.  He wants to get Mr. Anderson a key so Mr. Harold Taylor does not have to come every time he wants to get in the building or shop.

ZONING & PLANNING – No one was present to discuss anything in this area.  

RESIDENT DEPUTY – Deputy Boozer thanked Council for the use of the building.  He stated a local business had a lot of stuff taken over the weekend and he reminded everyone to keep things locked away.  

DEPOT – Councilmember Harmon stated Mrs. Fouste had reported over 100 visitors at the Depot on the 4th.     She had a volunteer (Zack - former member of the Depot Committee) who helped her and he is very interested in this.  Many of the visitors were visiting for the first time.  She stated Mrs. Augustine did a very good article in the Chronicle regarding the Depot.  


FILLDIRT AT PLAYGROUND UPDATE:  Mayor Reeder reported the county brought a load of dirt for the washed out area and this has been a big help.

TOWN SIGN UPDATE:  Mayor Reeder reported that 811 has been called and marked where the line should be placed.  SCDOT must clear the spot as well and hopefully we will get the sign soon.

BANK BUILDING UPDATE:  Mayor Reeder stated the electrical, HVAC, and plumbing have all been roughed in.  The bathroom had to be a little bigger for ADA and this has been framed as well.  Once the inspection is complete, the windows will be installed. 

DEPOT CRITTER RIDDER UPDATE:   Mayor Reeder stated this work has been completed (dead ones removed as well as the live ones, treated, and the holes closed).  



ATTORNEY SNELL TO DISCUSS BALLOT AND PROPERTY SIZE QUESTION:  Mayor Reeder stated we talked about the lot size question and this being on the ballot in November.  Some of the towns around us are ¼ acre.  There was discussion on this and Councilman Rish asked if multiple options could be listed for input.  Mayor Reeder is to check with the Municipal Association on this and Attorney Snell will check on this as well.  It was noted that we may need to make a decision on this prior to the next meeting and it was decided a text message would be sent to everyone if we need to have a special meeting on this.  

POST FESTIVAL REVIEW:   Nothing further to discuss on this. 


Councilman Sanders stated someone contacted him about a special needs program for tutoring and them using the Baptist Church for this.  He indicated they could not do more than they are right now with the after-school care program.  There was discussion on using the town hall for this.  This would be one on one for the students/teacher several times a day.   He will get more information on this and report back.

There being no further business, Councilman Rish made a motion to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted,

JoAnn Derrick, Clerk/Treasurer