Town Council Meeting Minutes - January 9, 2023
/The Gilbert Town Council met on Monday, January 9, 2023, with Mayor John Reeder and Councilmembers Nancy Harmon, Cory Rish and Mark Sanders present. Mayor Reeder stated Councilman Carson was not feeling well and would not be at the meeting. Guests present were Deputy Josh Boozer and Mr. Fred Taylor.
Mayor Reeder welcomed everyone and asked Councilman Sanders to lead in prayer. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all.
MINUTES – Councilmember Harmon noted the date for the crime watch meeting is January 19 and with this being noted she made a motion to approve the December minutes as distributed. Councilman Rish seconded the motion and it carried.
FINANCIAL REPORT – Mrs. Derrick distributed the financial report and it was accepted as information.
ROADS – Nothing to report since Councilman Carson was not present and left nothing to report.
UTILITIES – Councilman Rish stated the streetlight at Joeys has still not been repaired.
BEAUTIFICATION/LANDSCAPING - Councilmember Harmon stated Mr. McLeod has some drawings and wants to meet with Mayor Reeder and her for the initial viewing. He is to call Mayor Reeder and schedule this meeting for the three of them.
MAINTENANCE –Councilman Sanders stated he gave the quotes for the mower to the Mayor and Mr. Harold Taylor. He also stated the student is doing a very good job and he made a motion to raise his salary to $10 per hour. Councilman Rish seconded the motion and it carried. Mayor Reeder stated he would like to wait for all Council to be present to discuss the mower.
ZONING & PLANNING – Council was reminded of the training on January 31st and were encouraged to attend. Councilmember Harmon mentioned several young couples to consider for the vacant position on the Planning Commission. She was asked to contact these individuals to determine their interest in serving.
RESIDENT DEPUTY – Deputy Boozer stated he has nothing new to report but did remind everyone of the crime watch meeting on the 19th. He further stated they have had some problems with someone presenting themselves as someone from law enforcement and asking for information and money. He stated do not give them anything and report this to the Sheriff’s Department. He asked Council to notify the citizens of this.
DEPOT – Councilmember Harmon stated she saw there had been a water leak at the Depot and knew nothing about this. She said she noticed Mr. Harold Taylor was to do some of the work at the Depot. She reported Ms. Fouste will make a contact with Mr. Milford Amick about the sign for the depot park.
TREE AND POLE DECORATIONS: Mayor Reeder stated he would like to see us get some new pole decorations to replace some of our older ones. Council asked Mrs. Derrick to contact the vendor regarding 10 new holly leaf pole decorations. She was also asked to check regarding the cost of “Merry Christmas” or “Seasons Greetings” decoration to place in the Magnolia Square park. Mr. Fred Taylor asked about a pole decoration in front of his Mom and Dad’s property. He stated this was approved years ago but was never installed. Mr. Harold Taylor will be asked to get the pole number on this.
CHRISTMAS LIGHTS WINNER: Mayor Reeder stated Jason and Rita DeCarlis and family were the winners of the gift card.
CROSSTIE FLOWERBEDS ON MAIN STREET: Councilmember Harmon recommended that this be tabled until the Mayor, Mr. McLeod, and she met to see his recommendations.
WATER BREAK AT MUSEUM: Mayor Reeder stated there was a water line busted outside at the depot during the extreme cold/freeze. Councilman Sanders recommended that the water be cut off during this cold time in the future.
GREEN HOUSE RENT: Mayor Reeder stated Ms. Stephanie Williams from Hampton Street Salon called him regarding the rent on the green house and requested that this be lowered. After some discussion, council felt the rent should not be lowered. Mayor Reeder will mention the small building behind the current Salon as a possible rental. Mayor Reeder stated Council needs to discuss this further.
There being no further business, Councilman Sanders made a motion to adjourn.
Respectfully submitted,
JoAnn Derrick, Clerk/Treasurer