Town Council Meeting Minutes - July 10, 2023
/The Gilbert Town Council met on Monday, July 10, 2023, with Mayor John Reeder and Councilmembers Pat Carson, Cory Rish, and Mark Sanders present. Guests present were Deputy Joshua Boozer, Mr. Donnie Cason, Mr. Joey Hardee, Ms. Jessica Lybrand, Planning Commission Chairman Kyle Miller, Ms. Michelle Pfentner, Mr. Fred Taylor, and Mrs. Kimberly Thompson and her husband.
Mayor Reeder welcomed everyone and asked Councilman Sanders to lead in prayer. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all.
COMMUNITY INPUT – Mayor Reeder recognized Mrs. Thompson who stated the day care centers will no longer provide after-school care. She is interested in opening an after-school-care facility in Joey’s old store property. She and Mr. Hardee have both talked with Zoning Administrator Garcia who has denied their request for a zoning permit for this business. They want to know what they need to do to be able to open this as parents will no longer have a place for their children for after school care when school starts. Mr. Garcia told Mrs. Thompson that if he permitted her business, Joey’s would have to close. Mrs. Lybrand stated she has nine years’ experience in zoning and this facility would be exempt as a day care because she will be open less than 4 hours per day. Mr. Hardee stated he would like to see her open the facility but he must do some renovations prior to her moving in and; therefore, this must be resolved as soon as possible. Mr. Fred Taylor explained that he was the prior Zoning Administrator and he asked if this is to be a public day care facility. She stated it would be open to the public for after-school care and did not need to be licensed by DSS. After more discussion, Mrs. Thompson and Mr. Hardee stated they want to begin the appeal process regarding this as she was not told she could file an appeal prior to this. Mr. Taylor asked if the Town has an attorney and Mayor Reeder stated yes, it is Attorney James Snell whose office is in Lexington. Everyone concerning this issue left the meeting.
Mr. Cason stated that at the last meeting he was ushered out and told Council was going into Executive Session. He stated no reason was given and this reason must be given at the time and there are only five reasons Council can go into Executive Session. He stated this is covered in the handbook on conducting meetings. Mr. Cason also asked what the plans are for the police car. Mayor Reeder stated that at the present time, very little can be done on this but Council still wants to have a police department.
MINUTES – Councilman Sanders made a motion to accept the minutes as distributed. Councilman Carson seconded the motion and it carried.
FINANCIAL REPORT – Mrs. Derrick distributed the financial report and it was received as information.
ROADS – Councilman Carson stated he was impressed with the work that was done on the sidewalks in the park. He has submitted an application for the asphalt sidewalks from Gilbert to Summit to be replaced. He is also seeking a grant for the painting of the crosswalks in town. He also stated we will need to do something with the steps at the corner of Main and Broad as these are not accessible at all. Mr. Cason gave Councilman Carson the name of an individual at SCDOT that works with roads and may be able to assist with the crosswalks.
UTILITIES – Councilman Rish stated the light is still burning all the time in front of the Scout Hut on Juniper Springs.
BEAUTIFICATION/LANDSCAPING - Councilmember Harmon was not present and there was nothing to discuss except to say we have had nothing but positive comments on the planters.
MAINTENANCE – Councilman Sanders stated we have two students working now and this has helped.
ZONING & PLANNING –Chairman Kyle Miller stated they met on May 2 and they talked about the June 15 meeting and they do not want to make any changes to residential specifications at this time. The next meeting is scheduled for October 3 and this may be changed but he will notify Council if it is.
RESIDENT DEPUTY – Deputy Boozer stated the Peach Festival was very successful as it relates to the Sheriff’s Department. The students who vandalized the high school did community service at the Peach Festival. He stated they are having problems with the blue mail boxes again and they are asking people to put their mail in the Post Office if possible.
DEPOT – Councilmember Harmon was not present and had not sent anything.
BANK BUILDING UPDATE: Mayor Reeder stated they are working on the electricity and the heating and air service. The windows are in but they are holding them for us.
CRITTER RIDDER ESTIMATE: Mayor Reeder stated we have an estimate for removing the live and dead squirrels from the Depot and treating the area. They will come back to be sure there are no more squirrels and then close the hole where they are entering the building. They will come back yearly to check on this. Councilman Rish made a motion to approve the bid of $1,600 for this. Councilman Sanders seconded the motion and it carried. Councilman Sanders will notify Mr. Harold Taylor of this and ask him to handle it.
CABOOSE VANDALISM: Mayor Reeder mentioned the vandalism of the caboose and Councilman Carson was thanked for working on getting the graffiti covered. Councilman Carson stated the entire caboose needs painting and he is going to check into getting the replacement letters for this. Mayor Reeder stated there are two lights in the back of the park that are not working and we may need to get these repaired.
POST FESTIVAL REVIEW: Mayor Reeder asked if there were any recommendations for next year and there was none.
WASHOUT BEHIND PLAYGROUND: Mayor Reeder stated with all the rain we have a real problem with this washing. We must slow the flow of the water down with some stone, fabric, and grass or something that will slow this water down.
There being no further business, Councilman Sanders made a motion to adjourn.
Respectfully submitted,
JoAnn Derrick, Clerk/Treasurer