The Gilbert Town Council met on Monday, March 11, 2024, with Mayor John Reeder and Councilmembers Donnie Cason, Pat Carson, and Cory Rish present.   

Guests present were Deputy Joshua Boozer, Ms. Lori Hayes, Detail Commander with Lexington County Sheriff’s Department, Mrs. Rita DeCarlis, Mr. Tim Kyzer, President Community Club, and Ms. Barbara and Clark Temple.

Mayor Reeder welcomed everyone and led in prayer.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all.

LEXINGTON COUNTY ANIMAL CONTROL ORDINANCE – SECOND READING:  Mayor Reeder stated we must approve the Ordinance as signed by Lexington County with no changes or they will not work within the town on any animal issue.  Councilman Cason stated we need to change Lexington County to the Town of Gilbert and Mrs. Derrick stated we will do a cover sheet with our ordinance number (which will be signed by the Mayor) and adopt the entire ordinance from Lexington County.  Councilman Cason made a motion to give this second reading approval.  Councilman Rish seconded the motion and it carried. 

COMMUNITY INPUT: Councilman Cason asked if the Community Park could be moved under Community Input as it is not a committee of the town.

COMMUNITY PARK:  President Kyzer stated the park sign will be replaced and they are replacing all plants in the park with native ones to our area. 

Mayor Reeder recognized Detail Commander Hayes to discuss the program that will allow the Town to enter into an agreement with the Sheriff’s Department whereby we can hire an off-duty officer to enforce our ordinances, etc. in town for a minimum of three hours per assignment at a rate of $57 per hour with it being higher on holidays.  She provided a copy of the Memorandum of Understanding that must be completed.  Councilman Cason asked if this must be renewed each year and she stated no.  Payment must be paid by debit card, credit card or ACH payment.  The program is on the computer.  They would like 24-hour notice of a need, Commander Hayes gave her email address ( for this.  Mayor Reeder asked Council to review this information before next meeting in order for it to be discussed then. 

MINUTES – Mrs. Derrick thanked Councilman Cason for sending her some changes that were made and asked others to do the same.  Councilman Cason made a motion to accept the minutes as distributed, Councilman Carson seconded, and it carried. 

FINANCIAL REPORT – Mrs. Derrick distributed the financial report and it was received as information.  She did state the CD is maturing at Ameris Bank soon and asked if Council wanted her to check rates and renew at the best rate.  Council stated they wanted this.    


ROADS – Councilman Cason stated potholes are being repaired.  He also stated he contacted Lexington County Council Member Larry Brigham about creating a right turning lane for Rikard Circle and since this is a county road, it will be referred to Lexington County Public Works. 

UTILITIES – Councilman Cason stated Councilman Taylor called and stated he would not be at the meeting but he had nothing to report. 

BEAUTIFICATION/LANDSCAPING –Councilman Carson stated most of the flowers look good but will soon need to be replaced because of the heat.  Mayor Reeder stated he would report on this under maintenance. 

MAINTENANCE –Mayor Reeder stated Mr. Harold Taylor will be talking with Mr. Larry Taylor about what flowers will hold up best in the heat.  All crepe myrtle limbs have been picked up and mulched.  We did have the chipper over a week but they did rent it for the same price.  There is a big pile of the mulch if anyone would like some.   The strobe lights have been put on the gator and there is a recall on the truck and mower.  Councilman Cason recommended the maintenance crew wear ear plugs when doing loud jobs.  

ZONING & PLANNING – Chairman Miller was not present but Councilman Cason stated boats are included in vehicles.  He contacted Ms. Naomi Reed at the Municipal Association and she stated this should be referred to the Planning Commission to look at the ordinance.  Councilman Cason was asked to talk with Chairman Miller about this. 

RESIDENT DEPUTY – Deputy Boozer stated a gaming station was stolen from the nutrition shop.  They have pictures of the individuals who did this. 

DEPOT – Councilman Rish stated he went to see Ms. Fouste and she said there is a leak in the caboose.  She again mentioned the need to pressure wash the deck and ramp and stated the lights are no longer working.  Mayor Reeder stated he will ask Mr. Harold Taylor to look at these.  She would like to have a page in the Peach Festival book to let people know the Depot will be open and have air and water during the festival.  President Kyzer was told about the page and he referred Councilman Rish to Mr. Blake Amick who does this for the festival. 


TOWN CAR – Councilman Carson:  Councilman Carson stated the car has been posted on Marketplace for a month and he has had some interest.  He does not feel we will be able to get the $15,500 for it.  Councilman Cason stated Ms. Reed had indicated this could be advertised on the Municipal Association site.  Councilman Carson will check on this and again mentioned the price.   

TOWN SIGNS – REPAIR & PAINT QUOTE -   Mrs. Derrick reported she could only get two companies and she shared the quotes and a picture with new colors from one of these.  After reviewing this, Council-man Cason made a motion to accept the bid from American Signs, Mr. Milford Amick, at a cost of $800 per sign and provide free labor for one sign.  Councilman Carson seconded the motion and it carried.   


WALL MONITOR IN TOWN HALL:  Councilman Carson presented two quotes and looked at some others.  He recommended we get an 85 inch from Costco for $1,099.  He also stated he would like to look at seating as he feels we should not have our backs to guests.  He also stated it may cost about $250 for the cablings we would need to install the monitor. 

EXECUTIVE SESSION – CLERK/TREASURER POSITION:  Councilman Cason asked if we could do the correspondence before going into executive session. 


CORRESPONDENCE:   Mayor Reeder stated the only correspondence he had was the program from the Excellence in Education celebration the town had supported and we had a good group from Gilbert. 

Councilman Cason stated Councilman Taylor had received a message from Mrs. Monti Caughman and she had a flash drive with the job descriptions on it and they are meeting on Wednesday to work on these.  Mrs.  Derrick asked if a committee was appointed as it was not reported in the February minutes.  Council felt no committee was appointed. 

Ms. Clark asked to speak to Council regarding the Gaza situation.  She again expressed her great concern for the people there and asked that Council support a cease fire for that situation.  Mayor Reeder thanked her for sharing her heart with Council. 

EXECUTIVE SESSION – CLERK/TREASURER POSITION – Councilman Rish made a motion to go into executive session to discuss the Clerk/Treasurer position.  Councilman Carson seconded the motion and it carried. 

Upon returning from executive session Mayor Reeder reported we had received two resumes for the position of Clerk/Treasurer and Councilman Rish made a motion to appoint Mrs. Rita DeCarlis as Clerk/Treasurer for the Town of Gilbert.  Councilman Carson seconded the motion and it carried.  Mrs. DeCarlis was invited back into the meeting and notified of the appointment.  She thanked Council and stated she would like to record meetings on the computer or phone as she does not take shorthand.  Council felt this would be appropriate.  Councilman Carson will work with Mrs. DeCarlis in getting a computer and the necessary programs, cell phone, and other needed items.  She was welcomed by all.

 There being no further business, Councilman Carson made a motion to adjourn.

 Respectfully submitted,

 JoAnn Derrick, Clerk/Treasurer