August 2020 - Town Council Meeting Minutes
/The Gilbert Town Council met on Monday, August 10, 2020, with Mayor Donnie Cason and Councilmembers Monti Caughman and Nancy Harmon present. Guests present were Deputy Jaime Gwyn and Zoning Administrator Fred Taylor.
Mayor Cason welcomed everyone, led in prayer, and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all.
COMMUNITY INPUT: Mayor Cason stated Ms. Stephanie Williams could not be present but sent a letter for Mrs. Derrick to read to Council. She thanked Council for working with her on the rent in the past and stated she appreciates Council always being good landlords. She asked if the $25 increase due in September when the lease is up for renewal could be delayed. She further asked if the rent could be lowered for a time in order for her to get more personnel hired as she lost several and is now down to only 3 workers. After some discussion, Councilmember Caughman made a motion to drop the rent to $600 per month until the end of the fiscal year (6/30/21). Councilmember Harmon seconded the motion and it carried. Mrs. Derrick will notify Mr. Rogers and Ms. Williams.
Councilmember Harmon stated she received a letter from Mr. Crapps from the High School regarding the banner and he thanked Council for this sign of support for the seniors. She stated he has received a promotion and will no longer be at the Gilbert High School.
MINUTES: Councilmember Harmon questioned if the minutes should state “Setcrete” rather than “concrete” site. With this change being made, Councilmember Harmon made a motion to approve the August minutes.
FINANCIAL REPORT: The financial report was given by Mrs. Derrick. She reported an accounts balance of $573,864.85. She also reported the financial records are at the accountant for auditing now.
ROADS: Nothing to report.
UTILITIES: Councilmember Caughman stated she had been contacted by Mr. Harold Taylor that a resident on Church Street was requesting a street light near the apartments. After some discussion, it was noted that historically we do not place street lights on dirt streets. Councilmember Caughman stated she does not feel we have sufficient light in all areas of town. She had looked into this earlier and then Dominion bought SCE&G and nothing else was done.
BEAUTIFICATION: Nothing to report.
MAINTENANCE: Mayor Cason stated the truck has been repaired.
SPECIAL EVENTS: Since we will not be having the carol lighting this year, special events will not be listed for the time being.
ZONING AND PLANNING: Mayor Cason stated the Planning Commission will meet this month for the quarterly meeting and Mr. Taylor had nothing to report.
RESIDENT DEPUTY: Deputy Gwyn stated she has been getting many calls regarding the property at 409 Main Street. A young man is living is a building behind the house and he is noisy and has loud friends there as well. She also reported there has been vandalism at the Community Park and the Methodist Church.
DEPOT: Nothing to report.
THE OLD BANK BUILDING: Mayor Cason stated he never has heard from the engineer regarding the building. The town received an email from an individual who is in the roofing business and he will call him and see if he will come out and talk with the Mayor and possibly give an estimate on the building and see if the roof can be added to the shell. Councilmember Caughman recommended that we get three estimates for gutting the bank building.
RESOLUTION TO HONOR WORKERS: Mayor Cason stated we received information from Lexington County Council about a resolution to honor first responders and others who have worked tirelessly throughout this virus. Councilmember Harmon made a motion to do this resolution. Councilmember Caughman seconded the motion and it carried.
Mayor Cason stated we received information from DJJ but we do not participate in this program.
Information was received from Senator Katrina Shealy regarding Carolina Cares and Mayor Cason will review this to determine if we qualify for any reimbursement.
Mayor Cason received information from Lexington County regarding the cat ordinance and this is received as information.
Mayor Cason stated we also received a reminder to participate in the census.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
JoAnn Derrick, Clerk/Treasurer