August 2019 - Town Council Meeting Minutes
/The Gilbert Town Council met on Monday, August 12, 2019, with Mayor Donnie Cason and Councilmembers Monti Caughman, Nancy Harmon, John Reeder, and Mark Sanders present. Guests present were Planning Commission Chairman Chad McGinty, Deputy Jonathan Jeffcoat, and Zoning Administrator Fred Taylor.
Mayor Cason welcomed everyone, led prayer, and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all.
SWEARING IN: COUNCILMEMBER NANCY HARMON and COUNCILMAN JOHN REEDER, III: Mrs. Derrick swore in the councilmembers for their new term.
COMMUNITY INPUT: Mrs. Derrick distributed a list of the current Council, Planning Commission, Board of Appeals, and Zoning Administrator. All were asked to be sure their information was correct. Chairman McGinty was asked to check with Mrs. Hite and Mr. Cannon to ensure they wish to continue to serve as their terms expire December 31, 2019. It was decided to remove Attorney Gill from the list as she is no longer the attorney for the Town and Mrs. Derrick was asked to be sure Mr. Amick removes her from the WEB site. Council felt Mayor Cason should be the Town contact with the Municipal Association (SMIRF) regarding attorney matters.
MINUTES: Councilman Reeder made a motion to approve the June and July minutes as distributed. Councilmember Harmon seconded the motion and it carried.
FINANCIAL REPORT: Mayor Cason stated that in the future, the Town will receive more funds from the State Treasurer in the form Aid to Subdivisions as this has not been disbursed correctly in the past. This will have a 5 percent cap. Mrs. Derrick distributed the financial report. The total accounts balance was $512,071.66.
ROADS: Mayor Cason stated Reeder Street will be closed. He made many contacts on this and learned that the railroad is closing crossings like this throughout the state. Mayor Cason reported Peach Festival, Main Street, and Juniper Springs should have repaving started any day now. There was question as to how far the paving will go out on Main Street and Mayor Cason stated he felt it would be the same as it is now. Councilmember Harmon stated we need to do something in front of the town’s property on Main Street. Mayor Cason stated he had received calls about Semm Sease Road and this is on the Lexington County list to be paved at number 52.
UTILITIES: Nothing to report.
BEAUTIFICATION: Nothing to report.
MAINTENANCE: Mayor Cason stated we discussed purchasing a Gator for the crew to use and we have a quote from Blanchard for $11,000 for a 2018 4-wheel drive with roll bar and $7,800 for a 2-wheel with no roll bar. We put $10,000 in the budget. After some discussion, Council-member Harmon recommended that contact be made with some other state contractors for Kaboda, Kawasaki, etc. for quotes of like vehicles. This must be commercial grade and Mrs. Derrick was asked to check into this.
SPECIAL EVENTS: Councilman Sanders stated he has made contact with the churches in the area and they are interested in participating in a trunk or treat event the Sunday before Halloween, October 27 th . This would be on Rikard Circle, Middle School, and Community Park area. Mr. Taylor stated the park closes at dark. This is meant to be a community event and Councilmember Harmon thanked Councilman Sanders for handling this. Mayor Cason stated we also need to start planning the carol lighting that will be on Sunday, December 1, 2019.
ZONING AND PLANNING: Chairman McGinty stated the first thing he would ask about is an Ordinance book for Mr. Kenny Garcia and Mr. Kyle Miller. Councilmember Caughman stated she will get them a copy they can use until the new books are printed. Other items discussed at their meeting included: they were concerned about what could be done to enhance the election turnout and Mrs. Derrick stated with the change of the date to November when other elections are being held, there is hope this will help; Chairman McGinty stated that Summit has a general information sign at their Town Hall and this might be a good idea for Gilbert as well; and they do think the WEB site was a good idea as well. They also discussed the green areas and the current park behind the Depot. He got a call from Mr. Randy Gibson, Director of the Recreation and Aging, about what we want. He presented the list from Mr. McGinty to their Board and they had good comments and are very interested in working with the Town to upgrade the park. Chairman McGinty was asked to continue to work with Mr. Gibson regarding this. Mayor Cason asked Chairman McGinty that once this is resolved to bring a recommendation from the Planning Commission. There was some discussion on the new ball complex on Broad Street and Mayor Cason stated there was a possible problem with the electrical service with the change to Dominion but this has been resolved. The work on this has resumed.
There was discussion on the proposed meeting regarding annexation and Chairman McGinty has learned that Mr. Shacker is certified to do the Planning Commission training and he will do this for free for the Town. Annexation is something we all need to hear and this can count for their continuing education credit. Mr. Shacker did ask for a map of the town area. Lexington County GIS may be where we can get this map. Chairman McGinty will get this meeting scheduled. They will look at Tuesday or Thursday during the second week of October.
RESIDENT DEPUTY: Deputy Jeffcoat stated Deputy Gwyn did not give him anything to report but he would love to work with the town on the Fall Festival.
DEPOT: Councilmember Harmon reported that Mrs. Fouste was not able to open the Depot for August; however, Mayor Cason did open it and had several visitors. Mrs. Fouste cannot do this the first Sunday in September and Councilmember Harmon cannot either and she will place a sign in the window to indicate it is closed due to the holiday. Council felt this would be appropriate.
VETERANS’ MONUMENT: Mr. Taylor stated he had nothing and Mrs. Derrick asked about this item remaining on the agenda. Council felt this item should be removed from the agenda and funds will be placed in the general checking account with this item still being a line item.
SEPTIC SYSTEM AT GREEN HOUSE: Mr. Rogers passed along the information he obtained about the cost and the fact the town would be willing to split the cost. Nothing further has been heard from the renter on this and we will wait to hear from them.
DILAPIDATED HOUSE: Mayor Cason reported an e-mail was received from Mr. Jason London stating his parents continue to have health issues and they plan to have this removed by March 31, 2020. Councilmember Harmon questioned whether we should request that this be completed by the end of 2019 in light of the fact that they were originally sent a letter in 2018 regarding this. Council felt this would be more realistic and Mrs. Derrick was asked to contact Mr. London with this request.
Mayor Cason has talked with Mr. Marty Taylor regarding the house on Waters Ferry. No further action has been done on this.
Mr. Taylor stated he received communication from the District Office regarding the school signs and stating this work cannot be done within the time frame given but asked for an extension. Mr. Taylor feels this will be completed by December 31, 2019. Council felt this was appropriate time and a motion was made by Councilman Sanders, seconded by Councilmember Harmon, and it carried.
SECOND READING ON ORDINANCE TO CHANGE TOWN ELECTIONS FROM APRIL TO NOVEMBER: Mayor Cason called for a motion of this and Councilman Reeder made a motion to change our Town election from April to November. Councilmember Harmon seconded the motion and it carried.
SIDEWALKS - ESTIMATED COST: Councilman Reeder stated he needed a list of the specifications on these in order to get a bid on these. It was suggested that Mr. Michael Dennis may be able to help with this. He will give Mr. Dennis a call.
SPECIAL EVENT LIAISON – LEXINGTON MUNICIPAL ASSOCIATION: Mayor Cason stated the Municipal Association would like a liaison from our town to work on a committee to work on special events for the Association. Councilmember Harmon stated she will try to do this and if she can’t, Mayor Cason will represent the Town.
ADDITIONAL CHRISTMAS POLE DECORATIONS: Mayor Cason stated the pole decorations are on sale now and asked if the Council would like to purchase some additional ones. After discussion, Councilmember Harmon made a motion to purchase 4 additional LED holly leaf decorations. Councilmember Caughman seconded the motion and it carried.
Mayor Cason stated we received information about the advocacy meetings and he will be attending the one on August 21 st .
An e-mail was received from Dominion regarding our residents and the map looked correct and Mrs. Derrick is reviewing the list.
Mr. Shacker had stated he will assist us with any grant applications we wish to do.
There being no further business, Councilman Sanders motioned to adjourn.
Respectfully submitted, JoAnn Derrick, Clerk/Treasurer