January 2020 - Town Council Meeting Minutes
/The Gilbert Town Council met on Monday, January 13, 2020, with Mayor Donnie Cason and Councilmembers Monti Caughman, Nancy Harmon, John Reeder, and Mark Sanders present. Guest present were Deputy Jaime Gwyn and Zoning Administrator Fred Taylor.
Mayor Cason welcomed everyone, led in prayer, and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all.
COMMUNITY INPUT: Mr. Taylor stated that Reeder Street is now closed and requested that the stop sign and street sign be removed. Councilman Reeder asked if he could have the Reeder Street sign. Mayor Cason stated he will check on this.
MINUTES: Councilmember Harmon made a motion to approve the minutes as distributed. Councilman Sanders seconded the motion and it carried.
FINANCIAL REPORT: Mrs. Derrick distributed the financial report. The total accounts balance was $462,632.97.
ROADS: Mayor Cason reported the “Stop Ahead” sign has been placed on Waters Ferry and the stump was ground on Hampton Street. Councilmember Harmon asked about the hole on the side of Main Street. Mayor Cason stated they do have a work order on this but he will ask again about this. Councilmember Harmon stated she was concerned that someone could fall into this or a car run into it even though the cone is there.
UTILITIES: Nothing to report.
BEAUTIFICATION: Nothing to report.
MAINTENANCE: Mayor Cason stated we have the title on the Gator and are waiting for the one for the Club Cadet. SCDOT will not pave the drive between the Depot and the Hair Salon as it is too far off right of way.
SPECIAL EVENTS: Mayor Cason stated nothing until the 4 th . Councilman Sanders stated the churches are discussing a community Easter egg hunt.
ZONING AND PLANNING: Mayor Cason stated he really had nothing but he did ask Councilman Sanders if he could have the sign at Little Bethlehem removed.
RESIDENT DEPUTY: Deputy Gwyn reported they caught the “porch pirates” and the individuals who broke into Ed Smith Lumber were also arrested.
DEPOT: Councilman Harmon stated the Depot was open on the first Sunday. There were a couple of problems in that the water was off and the squirrels have been chewing the wood above the back window. She carried water there and they got used that for the day. Due to the large amount of rain recently, the sand/dirt is washing from under the concrete at the shelters. Ms. Fouste was excited that a student from Lexington High School had visited the depot in December and was back with his younger brother in January. They were very impressed with the Depot.
Mayor Cason stated the roof on the green house storage building needs replacing.
SIDEWALKS: Mayor Cason stated we had an estimate of just over a half million dollars for the sidewalks. These could be under c-funds but we are too late for this year but we might try for these next year. The total available for all municipalities was $100,000.
UPDATE ON IMPROVEMENTS TO BUILDING AT CORNER OF MAIN & HAMPTON: Council- member Caughman stated she scheduled a meeting for January 12 th but no one showed up for this. She is concerned about the safety of the shell building on Main Street that is attached to this building. Mayor Cason stated he has heard nothing from the gentleman about this structure but will try to make another contact with him.
SECURITY CAMERA ON MAINTENANCE BUILDING: Mrs. Derrick stated she has a meeting scheduled with the gentleman from Johnson Controls on Wednesday.
CORRESPONDENCE: Mayor Cason stated we received an email from Trey McCain regarding his desire to hold a marathon in Gilbert. We will notify him that he needs to contact the Lexington County Traffic Division regarding the traffic. We will ask how this will be funded and what his plans are for this. We will remind him that he must have restrooms available.
Mayor Cason reported he will be attending the Legislative Action day on February 4-5. He also reported that he talked with Senator Shane Massey about the House’s Business License Bill and indicated the towns dislike of this proposal.
There being no further business, Councilmember Harmon motioned to adjourn.
Respectfully submitted,
JoAnn Derrick, Clerk/Treasurer