Town Council Meeting Minutes - December 11, 2023

The Gilbert Town Council met on Monday, December 11, 2023, for the monthly meeting.  Mayor John Reeder and Councilmembers Pat Carson, Nancy Harmon, Cory Rish, and Mark Sanders were present.   Guests present were Deputy Josh Boozer, Mr. Donnie Cason, Pastor Marty Davis, Zoning Administrator Kenny Garcia, Lindsey & Isiah Herrya, Planning Commission Chair Kyle Miller, Mrs. Lori Mouza, Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Sharp, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Taylor, and Ms. Jacqueline White. 

Mayor Reeder welcomed everyone and asked Councilman Sanders to lead in prayer.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all. 

COMMUNITY INPUT – Mayor Reeder recognized Mrs. Mouza, CEO of Pine Press Printing.  Councilmember Harmon stated Mrs. Mouza has been very helpful to her and Council in making decisions on the purchase of banners for town.  Mrs. Mouza presented information and recommendations on the banners and brackets.  It will be necessary for Council to select exactly the banners they want to purchase.  They would be vinyl and 24x36, same size as those in Lexington.  Each banner will have “Town of Gilbert” on it.  These should last 3 years and the brackets would be permanent and last a long time.  She stated the pole brackets should be ordered first and the price should remain the same on all this.   Council thanked Mrs. Mouza for her presentation and Councilmember Harmon told her she would give her a call the next day.  She left the meeting.

Mr. Taylor asked about the status of the police car.  Mayor Reeder stated it was at his house.  He asked Mayor Reeder if he drove it to the fall activity in the park and if he had actually carried a firearm while visiting the activity in the park.  Mayor Reeder said yes and he does have a concealed weapon permit.  

Mrs. Taylor read an article that was posted on face book recently about the election.  Mr. Taylor stated he was a parttime employee of the town at the time.  Mr. Cason pointed out that Mayor Reeder had served as Councilman for six of the years mentioned.   Councilmember Harmon stated she felt it was not a good thing for an official to make open statements on social media.  Mr. Sharpe stated he was disappointed in Mayor Reeder for this post.  Mayor Reeder apologized to Mr. Sharpe, Mr. Cason, and Mr. Taylor.  Councilman Sanders stated everyone on Council must be very cautious when items are put on social media.  Mr. Garcia stated when you are in a position, you must act in a special manner.  Mr. Sharpe thanked Mayor Reeder for what he has done in town.  

Ms. White stated she was present because someone told her she was not in the town and she is confused because her address is Gilbert.  It was explained that the Town of Gilbert is a small area and she stated she lives in Finley Farms on Highway 1.  She stated she would like to be part of the town and was told she could attend meetings as they are open but she is part of the Gilbert community.  

Mrs. Sharpe asked about the boats.  A portion of fence has been erected but is that all he is going to do?  Councilman Sanders stated that is part of our problem in not having a Police Department, we have no way to enforce our ordinances.  

MINUTES –Councilman Sanders stated the number of proposed homes was not correct and this will be corrected.  Councilmember Harmon stated she gave the letter about the caboose to Ms. Fouste and she was impressed.  Councilman Sanders made a motion to accept the minutes as distributed with this correction.  Councilmember Harmon seconded the motion and it carried.  

FINANCIAL REPORT – Mrs. Derrick distributed the financial report and it was received as information.  


ROADS – Councilman Carson stated he had nothing to report.  Mr. Sharpe asked when Broad Street would be paved.  Councilman Sanders stated he had read somewhere that South Carolina roads are 8th best in the United States.  

UTILITIES – Councilman Rish stated the light is still out near the teacher parking lot at the high school.   

BEAUTIFICATION/LANDSCAPING - Councilmember Harmon stated again that she appreciated Mrs. Mouza working with her on the banners.  After discussion, it was decided that she would order winter and spring and the brackets.  Councilmember Harmon stated Mrs. McLeod has added things in the flowerboxes and she hopes she will continue after Councilmember Harmon is no longer on Council.  She also stated she appreciates all the efforts put out this year and she would like to see the beautification continue in town.  She mentioned the corner building and stated the windows look good and she would like to see the renovations continue.  

MAINTENANCE –Councilman Sanders stated he had nothing.  

ZONING & PLANNING – Chairman Miller stated they met on November 7th for their regular quarterly meeting.  He stated they spent much of their time addressing issues from the gentleman who purchased the property from the Walters on Wire Road and his desire to have this rezoned to R-1.  They advised him to rethink this request and seek additional advice before processing with this request.  He wants to go from Agriculture to R-1 and put a couple of homes on it.  Mr. Taylor indicated Mrs. Inez Walters had a subdivision plan submitted and approved by Council many years ago.  Mayor Reeder thanked Chairman Miller for his report.   

RESIDENT DEPUTY – Deputy Boozer stated they are still having problems with vandalism at the park.  He talked with someone about this but she could give him no information.  Councilmember Harmon asked about the vandalism issues at Heritage Landscaping and stated she understood most of the equipment was recovered.  She stated her pasture fence was cut during this time and she was not notified at all.  

DEPOT – Councilmember Harmon stated she had nothing to report.  Ms. Fouste did have the Depot open on the first Sunday but had no visitors.  Mr. Phil Price had assisted with a tour by several high school students.  Councilmember Harmon stated she felt in the future we may want to be open by appointment only but Ms. Fouste would not like this.  Mayor Reeder stated he felt we may need additional lighting in the back of that park.  He asked Councilman Sanders to ask Mr. Harold Taylor to check on this.  


TRAINING CLERK/TREASURER:  Mayor Reeder stated he received a call from Mrs. Trish Amick and she cannot take the job because her sister’s health is declining and demanding more of her time.  Councilman Rish may have a recommendation and this will be discussed in Executive Session.  


BUSINESS LICENSE ORDINANCE:  Mrs. Derrick stated we must vote on the amended Business License Ordinance in order to adopt the class changes.  Councilman Sanders made a motion to give this first reading approval.  Councilman Carson seconded the motion and it carried.  Second reading will be Monday, December 18 at 6:30 p.m.  

ELECTION METHOD:  Mayor Reeder stated there had been discussion on the method of election used and asked Council if they wanted to discuss going back to the plurality method.  Councilmember Harmon stated she does not think this would be a good decision as we need to have a majority that elects a candidate.  Councilman Sanders agreed and felt it is better for a candidate to win by majority than one vote.  It was pointed out that Gilbert is one of only two municipalities in Lexington County doing this and misinformation was given earlier regarding this.  Councilman Carson stated we definitely need more participation in our elections.   We have 620 registered voters and only 60 votes.  Mr. Sharpe stated our Web Site needs updating.  It was decided to table this until the next meeting.   

POLICE DEPARTMENT MATTER:   Mayor Reeder stated he had hoped to have the policy manual completed by now and we must have the chief do this.  He had hoped to see the town move forward with the Police Department by this point.  He would like to see Chris Garner appointed as Chief in order to work on this policy manual.  Mr. Taylor stated he questions where the salary for the position would come from since Council just voted increases and a new hire in the last year.  Mayor Reeder stated this is to start with baby steps and he hopes to have the department in place within 5 years.  He would hope we could get sewer in town among other things.  Mayor Reeder stated he would like to appoint Chris Garner to work on the manual for 8 to 10 hours per week at a rate of $30 per hour.  Councilman Carson stated he hated to take this action at the last meeting of this council.  Pastor David stated the town must offer something as a benefit for anyone to want to come into town.  Chairman Miller stated annexation needs to be looked at again.  Mayor Reeder stated many items have been promised to Mr. Garner if the police department gets up and running.  Ms. White stated she would like to have information to share with her neighbors if the town has anything she can hand out.  Pastor David stated you must have a five-year plan just to apply for grants.  There is no need to purchase equipment now that will not be used for 3 to 5 years.  Mr. Sharpe stated Pelion had a Police Department but this disbanded.  He recommends hiring someone as a consultant and not chief.  He further recommended selling the police car and buying another one in 3 to 5 years if that’s what Council wants then.  

APPOINTMENT OF PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBERS:  There was question as to whether Chairman Miller lives in town and he said definitely.  Mayor Reeder had a couple of names but Chairman Miller stated the Planning Commission had discussed this as well and they have some names and Mrs. Edna Hite had particularly asked that a woman be considered to fill one seat.  Mayor Reeder stated Chairman Miller was asked to come to Council and report on their activities and those of the Zoning Administrator.

Mr. Taylor stated there is a separation of duties in this issue.  Chairman Miller stated he has nothing to report except when they have their quarterly meetings and that was what he reported tonight.  Councilman Sanders stated he felt it is a failure of communication rather than a major issue.  He suggested open communication and that a call be made if there is a question on either side.  Zoning Administrator stated he did feel there was a miscommunication problem.   Mayor Reeder stated Mr. Hunter Haltiwanger is interested in serving on the Planning Commission.  Mr. Taylor asked if this appointment could be made by the new Council at the next meeting.    

PURCHASE OF ARTIFACTS:  Mayor Reeder stated he was approached by a gentleman regarding some artifacts from the old post office (bank building).  He had approached Mayor Reeder previously and wanted to sell these items for $20,000.  He is now asking $2,000 and asks for a letter indicating he donated items worth the remaining $18,000.  Councilman Sanders stated we cannot put a figure on the value of donated items but we can list the items.  He wants to sell the post office boxes fronts for $2,000 and donate a safe and the teller window.  Councilman Rish made a motion to purchase this item and give the letter of donation.  Councilman Carson seconded the motion and it carried.  Mayor Reeder will contact the individual.    

Mrs. Derrick stated the town has received a Freedom of Information request regarding bids on the old bank building.  She and Mayor Reeder will work on this.




RECOMMENDATION FROM EXECUTIVE SESSION:  Council went into executive session and when they returned Mayor Reeder reported Council discussed an appointment of the new Town Clerk/Treasurer, effective January 1, 2024; however, it was decided to wait until after January 1, 2024 as Mrs. Derrick has indicated she will continue to serve until a replacement is hired.  This will be pursued further. 

Councilman Sanders made a motion to purchase all 4 seasons of banners and the summer ones will be more red, white, and blue with some peaches as well.  Councilman Carson seconded the motion and it carried.  Mrs. Derrick will work on this.   

The question of appointing a Chief of Police was tabled.  

Councilman Sanders made a motion to sell the police car.  Councilman Rish seconded the motion and it carried.  

Councilman Sanders made a motion to give our four employees a 3 percent retention bonus.   Councilman Rish seconded the motion and it carried.  

There being no further business, Councilman Sanders made a motion to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted,

JoAnn Derrick, Clerk/Treasurer