Town Council Meeting Minutes - November 13, 2023
/The Gilbert Town Council met on Monday, November 13, 2023, for the regular monthly meeting. Mayor John Reeder and Councilmembers Pat Carson, Nancy Harmon, Cory Rish, and Mark Sanders were present. Guests present were Deputy Bryan Boozer, County Councilman Larry Brigham, Gilbert Community Club Chairman Tim Kyzer, and Mr. Fred Taylor. Mr. Fred Taylor was congratulated on his win for Councilman.
Mayor Reeder welcomed everyone and asked Councilman Sanders to lead in prayer. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all.
COMMUNITY INPUT – Mayor Reeder recognized Councilman Brigham and he gave an overview of his district and just how much area it covers. He discussed the large amount of growth in the area and just how many housing developments there are in this area (approximately 1,500 homes). Short term rentals is an issue they are taking a look at. There will be a development of tiny homes.
He also talked about the West Region complex planned for the corner of Hampton Street and Highway 1. This will be a $12-15 million dollar facility. They have $10 million already allocated and they hope to break ground next year.
He talked briefly about the B&L Industrial Park and stated they have four occupants and still have one site available.
Some other items briefly discussed were the terrible traffic issue at Exit 51 from I 20 - they are talking about putting in another exit and Calks Ferry is being mentioned. They are talking about impact fees for new homes and businesses and these will be paid by the developers. These should come within a year or so. The Lexington Hospital at exit 51 was also mentioned and the fact they say the doctors must come this way before the hospital will be built. He also stated the old elementary school is being used by SLED as a training facility and he will try to get more information on this and get it to Mayor Reeder. The new fire station in the region complex will not change the current fire station in Gilbert.
Councilman Brigham left the meeting and was thanked for being present.
Mr. Kyzer stated he was present to see if there were any concerns from Council regarding the Fall Bazaar. Everyone felt this was a very good event and Mr. Kyzer stated they are going to do this again and some of these vendors may also assist with the Peach Festival. He had question about the Mobile Vendor license and Mrs. Derrick stated they are good for a calendar year and the one they received will expire December 31. They do want to close Rikard Circle for the three days and have the vendors on the sides of the road as they are at the Peach Festival. He was asked about when the lights would be put up in the park and he stated the Community Club members and Scouts will be decorating the Sunday after Thanksgiving.
Councilmember Harmon mentioned the big signs that were put up years ago by the Community Club, the Ruritan, and the Town and the fact they are looking bad and need to be repainted. He stated they had discussed the same thing. Councilmember Harmon stated she will be bringing this before the Ruritan Club as well. There are 7 signs and Mr. Fred Taylor stated we really need bigger posts. Mr. Kyzer left the meeting and was thanked for his coming.
MINUTES – Councilmember Harmon stated the wood should be repainted rather than replacing. Councilman Sanders made a motion to accept the minutes as distributed with this correction. Councilman Carson seconded the motion and it carried.
FINANCIAL REPORT – Mrs. Derrick distributed the financial report as well as the 2022-23 audit report and these were received as information.
ROADS – Councilman Carson stated he had nothing to report related to roads but he is going to work on the sidewalk on Hampton Street at the maple tree to grind some of that down where the roots are really breaking the sidewalk. He asked that Council let him know if they see any needs. He did get an email from a Social Studies teacher at the school who asked him to come speak to that class and Mayor Reeder stated he would like to attend this as well.
UTILITIES – Councilman Rish stated the light is still out near the teacher parking lot at the high school.
BEAUTIFICATION/LANDSCAPING - Councilmember Harmon stated the flags are not really working and we need to look at the banners. She has noticed that many towns have these and they actually have some at the elementary school. She contacted Columbia Flag and Banner as well as Pine Press for information from local vendors. The hardware for these will be the most expensive part of the initial purchase. Councilman Sanders made a motion to allocate $15,000 for the initial banners and brackets (winter, spring, and red, white, and blue banners). Councilman Carson seconded the motion and it carried.
Councilmember Harmon will contact Mrs. Lori Harmon at Pine Press for this purchase as the prices were almost identical from these and she is a local business. She also indicated the boards have been taken to the high school for the winter welcome boards for the planter boxes. Councilman Sanders made a motion to donate $250 to the art club for their work on these boards for the town. She also indicated Mrs. McLeod has already put some new flowers in the planter boxes.
MAINTENANCE –Councilman Sanders stated he had nothing but Mr. Fred Taylor did ask about the two white crepe myrtles that were cut down by the building on Main Street. Mayor Reeder stated these were cut because the wall must be taken down and also so the sign could be more visible.
ZONING & PLANNING – No one was present to discuss anything in this area.
RESIDENT DEPUTY – Deputy Boozer stated there were six individuals involved in the old elementary school break-ins and they have been charged. He stated there was another break-in and they have identified this individual as well. He reminded everyone to be mindful of the package delivery and those issues at this time of year.
DEPOT – Councilmember Harmon stated she had nothing to report. Mrs. Derrick read a letter from a person in Wisconsin who gave us interesting information on our caboose. This was given to Councilmember Harmon so this can be given to Ms. Foust for the museum.
HANGING BASKETS: Mayor Reeder explained the hanging baskets were gotten early because Taylor’s Produce was making their final run to the place where they purchase flowers and he needed to get them then. We also had to purchase heavy duty hangers for these.
TOWN SIGN INFORMATION GUIDELINES: Mayor Reeder stated we have already had many people asking for things to be put on the sign and we need to develop some rules and regulations for this. It was decided this should be limited to town items, community events, school sporting events (Pat must be notified of this), and Peach Festival.
SOLAR CHRISTMAS TREES FOR PLANTER BOXES: There was discussion on small solar Christmas trees for the planter boxes. Mr. Harold Taylor will be asked to go to Lowes and purchase two.
RECOMMENDATION FROM EXECUTIVE SESSION: Council went into executive session and when they returned Mayor Reeder reported Council discussed the appointment of Mrs. Trisha Amick as the new Town Clerk/Treasurer, effective January 1, 2024. Her pay would be $13,000 annually and she would begin training December 1, 2023. We will need to purchase some new equipment for her. Mrs. Derrick will remain on staff as long as needed to assist Mrs. Amick. Councilman Carson made a motion to appoint Mrs. Trisha Amick to the position of Clerk/Treasurer at a salary of $13,000 annually.
Councilman Rish seconded the motion and it carried. She will be asked to attend the December Council meeting.
It was noted that in view of the recent election, we may need to look at the method of election for the town (majority vs plurality). This will be discussed at the next meeting.
Councilmember Harmon stated we need to get our logo digitalized as she wanted to have the logo put on t-shirts and they could not do it. Councilman Carson stated he had someone who could do this and he will reach out to them.
There being no further business, Councilman Rish made a motion to adjourn.
Respectfully submitted,
JoAnn Derrick, Clerk/Treasurer