Town Council Meeting Minutes - April 10, 2023
/The Gilbert Town Council met on Monday, April 10, 2023, with Mayor John Reeder and Councilmembers Pat Carson, Nancy Harmon, Cory Rish, and Mark Sanders present. Guests present were Deputy Joshua Boozer, Mr. Donnie Cason, Mr. Fred Taylor, and Mr. Todd Wallace.
Mayor Reeder welcomed everyone and lead in prayer. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all.
COMMUNITY INPUT – Mr. Cason asked about abandoned vehicles in town and Councilmember Harmon asked about the abandoned boats at the corner of Crosson and Broad Streets. Mayor Reeder asked Councilmen Carson and Rish to keep a look out for any abandoned vehicles in town. Mr. Fred Taylor asked about the code enforcement officer in town. Deputy Boozer stated the County cannot enforce our ordinances but we can ask for off-duty officers to work with the town as Summit does. Mayor Reeder stated he thought the town had signed this agreement. Mrs. Derrick stated this was not done for the past two years. Deputy Boozer will get the person’s name who the Mayor needs to contact regarding this.
MINUTES – Councilmember Harmon made a motion to approve the March minutes as distributed. Councilman Rish seconded the motion and it carried.
FINANCIAL REPORT – Mrs. Derrick distributed the financial report and stated she did cash in/purchase new CD at Ameris bank at the rate of 4.25% for a 12-month certificate.
ROADS – Councilman Carson stated he met with several individuals from SCDOT and Lexington County maintenance about the sidewalk repairs needed. They plan to do the work with C-Funds and Ricky Price will be doing the work. This includes five or six spots on the sidewalks. Mr. Fred Taylor stated Mr. Tim Kyzer had talked with someone about this as well as Councilman Brigham. It was noted the county does not maintain the sidewalks in town. The repairs discussed did not include anything in the park. They did recommend removing the oak trees within 18 inches of the sidewalks as this is the cause. There is a maple at the corner of Butler and Hampton that is causing problems as well as two oaks on Rikard Circle. Total cost for this is $7,125. Mr. Fred Taylor recommended talking with the Forestry Commission for recommendations on trees to replace these. Mrs. Derrick reminded Mayor Reeder that Mr. Price will need a business license. He will also need to call 811 prior to digging. Councilman Carson also stated he looked at the Veterans’ Monument and he felt $1,000 would be sufficient to cover the cost of adirondack stones for that. Mayor Reeder stated he will ask Mr. Harold Taylor to put mulch around that as well.
UTILITIES – Councilman Rish stated there is nothing to report.
BEAUTIFICATION/LANDSCAPING - Councilmember Harmon stated the Beautification Committee met at 6 p.m. and Mr. McLeod presented his proposal for planters on each side of the street at the railroad tracks and these will have a wrought iron trellis in them. Mayor Reeder stated the water district will put in a water tap so the plants can be watered and this will cost $3,600. Councilmember Harmon made a motion that we go ahead with this project in hopes of getting this finished before the 4th. Councilman Carson seconded the motion and it carried. There was discussion on placing flags or banners up and down Main Street to the schools. Mayor Reeder stated his crew would build the boxes for this. Councilmember Harmon commended Mr. Harold Taylor on the beautiful roses beside the town hall.
It was noted that we continue to have problems with the squirrels at the Depot. It was felt we may need to hire someone to take care of this for us. Councilman Carson will check on this.
ZONING & PLANNING –Nothing to discuss.
MAINTENANCE – Councilman Sanders stated the Cub Cadet is in need of repairs and we have a quote of $1,200 for this. Councilman Sanders made a motion to get this repaired. Councilman Carson seconded the motion and it carried. He stated he had heard nothing on the new mower. He also stated the current student will stay on for the summer but will not be with us next year. Councilman Sanders stated Mr. Harold Taylor would like to have a second helper for the summer.
RESIDENT DEPUTY –Deputy Boozer stated they had a saturation team in town for drugs and several arrests were made. The old GES was broken into again recently. Mayor Reeder and Councilman Carson thanked him for the great job he did with the last Crime Watch meeting. Deputy Boozer stated they are working on the Relay for Life project and asked if the town would like to donate. Councilmember Harmon made a motion to donate $100. Councilman Sanders seconded the motion and it carried.
DEPOT – Councilmember Harmon stated she had nothing to report.
ETHICS FORMS RECAP: Mayor Reeder stated we are all good with our ethics forms.
SQUIRREL ISSUE AT DEPOT: Already discussed.
SECOND READINGS – ELECTION & BUSINESS LICENSE: Mayor Reeder reminded everyone that this will be done at the beginning of the May meeting.
Councilmember Harmon asked about the bank building. Mayor Reeder stated we can do nothing until the permit is obtained and he is working on this.
There being no further business, Councilman Sanders made a motion to adjourn.
Respectfully submitted,
JoAnn Derrick, Clerk/Treasurer