Town Council Meeting Minutes - May 8, 2023

The Gilbert Town Council met on Monday, May 8, 2023, with Mayor John Reeder and Councilmembers Pat Carson, Nancy Harmon, Cory Rish, and Mark Sanders present. Guests present were Deputy Joshua Boozer, Ms. Elizabeth Temple, Ms. Kelly Temple, and Mr. Todd Wallace.

Mayor Reeder welcomed everyone and asked Councilman Sanders to lead in prayer. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all.

Mayor Reeder stated our first order of business is to hold the second public hearing on the Ordinance regarding the method used in determining the winner of a town election. Mrs. Derrick explained this would change our method from a plurality method to the majority method as this is being used in most of the municipalities in our state. Councilman Sanders made a motion to change our method and this will be final reading of this ordinance. Councilman Carson seconded the motion and it carried.

Mayor Reeder stated the next order of business is to hold the second reading on the business ordinance for the town. Mrs. Derrick explained this is to allow the Municipal Association of South Carolina to collect and distribute the business license for the insurance, brokers, and telecommunication collections for our town. Councilman Sanders made a motion to approve this ordinance and this will be final reading of this ordinance. Councilman Rish seconded the motion and it carried.

COMMUNITY INPUT – Ms. Kelly stated she was present to ask about the rules on residential land as she has several disabled family members who will need to live with her and she will not have enough room for them and her children in her present home and she wanted to put an additional residence on her property at 115 McLaw Lane. She would like to continue to live where she is but must make some very difficult decisions as she must take care of her elderly Mom and handicapped sister and brother as well as her four girls. Mayor Reeder stated Council has been looking at this and our Planning Commission will need to look at this and make a recommendation back to Council and they will be asked to do this soon.

Councilman Sanders added that we must follow the guidelines as set by the town. Ms. Temple also asked about target shooting in town and what the rules are regarding this. Mayor Reeder stated this is permitted and must not endanger anyone while doing this.

MINUTES – Councilmember Harmon stated the plans for the flower boxes on Main Street will have a trellis rather than a fence as stated in the minutes. With this change being noted, Councilman Rish made a motion to accept the minutes as distributed. Councilmember Harmon seconded the motion and it carried.

FINANCIAL REPORT – Mrs. Derrick distributed the financial report. Councilman Sanders motioned that the current CD at First Community be placed in a CD earning at least 4 percent. Councilman Carson seconded the motion and it carried.


ROADS – Councilman Carson stated the County has stated that the town must pay for the sidewalk repairs and then they will reimburse us for this expenditure. Mayor Reeder stated Ricky Price has done some work on this already. Councilmember Harmon is still concerned about the drop-off at the drain that is above the Big Blue Marble and before the corner.

UTILITIES – Councilman Rish stated there is nothing to report.

BEAUTIFICATION/LANDSCAPING - Councilmember Harmon stated they are working on the flowerboxes for Main Street. She also mentioned the graduation banner and having the number changed to 23 and hanging it. She will work on this. There was mention of the $5 fee the Peach Festival collects for crafter and vendors that come to the festival. Mrs. Derrick will check with Mr. Kyzer regarding this.

MAINTENANCE – Councilman Sanders stated the new mower is in. We continue to have trouble with squirrels in the depot. Mr. Harold Taylor will be planting new flowers. Councilman Sanders is going to try to get two eighteen-year-old students for the summer. Mayor Reeder stated they would like to hire another fulltime employee.

ZONING & PLANNING – No one present but it was noted Council is not receiving any information on their activities.

RESIDENT DEPUTY – Deputy Boozer stated they have had a rush of catalytic converters taken recently. Deputy Boozer encouraged Council to let him know if they see any problems.

DEPOT – Councilmember Harmon stated she had nothing to report. She did say she has contacted Ms. Fouste and asked her if she could get a sign for the Heritage Park before the 4 th .


BANK BUILDING UPDATE: Mayor Reeder stated everything has been given to the county and he is just waiting on the permit. Councilmember Harmon stated she would like to see something done with the board windows on the shell building. She also stated the Ruritan Club has a beautification committee and they may be able to assist the town as well. She invited the Mayor and Council to attend their meeting on the third Tuesday of the month. Mr. Tim Kyzer is the chair of the Gilbert Community Club. Kohl’s has adopted the park and they work in it. It was noted they have some dead limbs that need to be taken down and Deputy Boozer stated they are working on this.

BEAUTIFICATION OF MAIN STREET: Mayor Reeder stated the water tap fee has already been paid and he is working on the plant boxes.


BUDGET – FISCAL YEAR 2023-2024 – FIRST READING: Mrs. Derrick presented her proposed budget for 2023-24 with a balanced budget of $225,560. Councilmember Harmon made a motion to give this first reading approval. Councilman Rish seconded the motion and it carried. It was noted salaries will be discussed at the next meeting in Executive Session. There was a question about the sale of the police car and Mayor Reeder stated the interested individual did not even want to give what we paid for it. Mayor Reeder will get an asking price and this money will go back into the ARP funds.

There being no further business, Councilmember Harmon made a motion to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted,

JoAnn Derrick, Clerk/Treasurer