December 2020 - Town Council Meeting Minutes

The Gilbert Town Council met on Monday, December 9, 2019, with Mayor Donnie Cason and Councilmembers Monti Caughman, Nancy Harmon, and Mark Sanders present.  Councilman Reeder was tied up on a job.  Guest present was Deputy Jaime Gwyn.  

Mayor Cason welcomed everyone, Councilman Sanders led in prayer, and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all.

COMMUNITY INPUT:   None.                   

MINUTES:  Councilmember Harmon made a motion to approve the minutes as distributed.  Councilman Sanders seconded the motion and it carried.

FINANCIAL REPORT:  Mrs. Derrick distributed the financial report.  The total accounts balance was $473,316.82.         


ROADS:  Mayor Cason talked with SCDOT regarding placing a “Stop Ahead” sign on Waters Ferry and was told he must talk with the District representative regarding the sign.  They are working on pot holes around town.  The driveway between the beauty shop and the depot is on private property and cannot be worked on by SCDOT.     

UTILITIES:    Councilmember Caughman stated the Christmas lights look good.  Mrs. Derrick stated there was a new pole decoration stolen on Rikard Circle but Mr. Ellis found it under the stage, plugged in.  It has now been put back up.      

BEAUTIFICATION:  Nothing to report.  

MAINTENANCE:   Mayor Cason stated he checked with MASC about the ATVs and the drivers must be insured and must have a driver’s license.  There was discussion about a security system (cameras) at the shop and Mrs. Derrick was asked to check with Johnson’s about this.                     

SPECIAL EVENTS:  Councilmember Harmon stated she felt the carol lighting went well.  Councilmember Caughman stated she felt we may need to reevaluate this.  The attendance was discussed and it was noted that the individuals who attend are mainly those whose children participate in the program.  There was discussion on having adult participants.  It was again stated that we may need to reevaluate this.       

ZONING AND PLANNING:  Mayor Cason stated he really had nothing to report except that they have started working on tearing down the house on Peach Festival.        

RESIDENT DEPUTY:  Deputy Gwyn reported they caught the individuals responsible for the break-ins and there has been no more trouble.  The homeless individual is back in jail.        

DEPOT: Nothing to report. 


SIDEWALKS:  Mayor Cason stated he has an estimate for the sidewalks and it is $546,366 for .9 of a mile.  C-Funds are not available now.  Mayor Cason mentioned $100,000 that is available for special projects but he does not feel we have anything that would qualify.

SMALL CELL ORDINANCE – SECOND READING:  Mayor Cason mentioned that we will need to remove the portion about city-owned poles and right of way.  Councilmember Caughman stated she still has concern about us not allowing another tower like the one at Joeys.  Mayor Cason stated this would have to go back to Mr. Taylor.  Councilman Sanders made a motion to give this Second Reading approval.  Councilmember Harmon seconded the motion and it carried.  

BUSINESS LICENSE ORDINANCE – SECOND READING:  Council discussed this ordinance and the rates were set at $25 for the first $150,000 and 10 cents per thousand above that amount.  It was also recommended that the double fee for out of town residents would not be included.  Councilmember Caughman made a motion to accept this as Second Reading for this ordinance.  Councilman Sanders seconded the motion and it carried.  Mayor Cason stated he received a letter from several of the towns to ask all towns to oppose the bill allowing the state to take over the business license.  Councilmember Caughman made a motion to sign the petition opposing bill 4431.  Councilman Sanders seconded the motion and it carried.  Mayor Cason will scan this back to the Mayor who sent it to him.   

UPDATE ON IMPROVEMENTS TO BUILDING AT CORNER OF MAIN & HAMPTON:  Council-member Caughman stated she has scheduled a meeting for January 5th at 3:00 p.m. to discuss the building and will report back at the January meeting.  



CORRESPONDENCE:  Mayor Cason stated he received a letter from Gilbert Primary School thanking Council for the donation to the school.

A letter was also received regarding the donation for the Excellence in Education program and we will be sending our $500 donation.  

Mayor Cason stated he will be attending the Legislative Action day on February 4-5, 2020.    

There being no further business, Councilmember Harmon motioned to adjourn.  

Respectfully submitted,

JoAnn Derrick, Clerk/Treasurer