November 2020 - Town Council Meeting Minutes
/The Gilbert Town Council met on Monday, November 9, 2020, with Mayor Donnie Cason and Councilmembers Nancy Harmon, John Reeder, and Mark Sanders present. Guests present were Deputy Jaime Gwyn and Mr. Mike London. Mayor Cason stated Councilmember Caughman was out of town and would not be present but did send a report and Councilmember Harmon would be a little late.
Mayor Cason welcomed everyone; Councilman Sanders led in prayer; and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all.
COMMUNITY INPUT: Mr. London stated he was present to give an update on the house on Peach Festival. It is almost completely cleaned up and the chimney will remain. Council felt it looked good.
MINUTES: Councilman Sanders made a motion to approve the October minutes as distributed; Councilman Reeder seconded the motion; and it carried.
FINANCIAL REPORT: The financial report was given by Mrs. Derrick. She reported an accounts balance of $561,845.09.
ROADS: Mayor Cason stated they are starting to repave Highway 1.
UTILITIES: Nothing to report.
BEAUTIFICATION: Nothing to report.
MAINTENANCE: Councilman Sanders stated Mr. Kyle Rankin started on November 2 and
Mr. Taylor asked about him getting a key so he can get in when he needs the bathroom. Council felt this was appropriate. Mayor Cason stated the Cub Cadet is covered under our insurance.
ZONING AND PLANNING: Mayor Cason stated Mr. McGinty was going to try to be present for the meeting but did not get back in town. Attorney Henrietta Gill will be representing the young man about the Walters property at the Planning Commission meeting. Mr. McGinty has had several discussions with the gentleman about the property.
RESIDENT DEPUTY: Deputy Gwyn talked with a homeless gentleman in the parking lot just prior to the meeting who wanted someone to call 911 for him. She handled this and he is not from here but is actually from out of state. She has not seen the other gentleman in several weeks.
DEPOT: Nothing to report as it is still not open.
UPDATE THE OLD BANK BUILDING & SHELL BUILDING: Mayor Cason stated Councilmember Caughman sent some information (attached) as she could not be present. Her recommendation was to demolish the building with the façade and move forward stabilizing and repointing the bank building. We do not qualify for grant money because our income per capita is too high. There was much discussion on this and the possibilities for the building. Councilmember Harmon stated she would really like to see some type preservation on this building.
UPDATE ON CUTTING TREES IN THE LEWIE STREET PARK AND BEHIND THE SHOP: Councilman Sanders reported three bids were obtained with prices of $2,750, $2,400, and $2,800. Councilmember Harmon made a motion to award the bid to Mr. Brett Reeder with the low bid of $2,400. Councilman Sanders seconded the bid and it carried. Councilman Sanders will notify Mr. Taylor to let Mr. Reeder know to begin work.
UPDATE ON “NO THROUGH TRUCKS” SIGNS: Mayor Cason reported the county will do a resolution for signs for Gilbert and Summit and these signs will be put up by the county as well.
CAT ORDINANCE: Mayor Cason stated we must accept the county’s ordinance or they will not work with the town on animal control. Mayor Cason recommended that we adopt this and we will need two public hearings and these will be at our December and January meetings.
CORRESPONDENCE: We received a thank you note from Mrs. Edna Hite for the memorial sent for her husband.
There being no further business, Councilman Sanders made a motion to adjourn.
Respectfully submitted,
JoAnn Derrick, Clerk/Treasurer