Public Notice - Town of Gilbert General Election

Notice is hereby given that a General Election for the Town of Gilbert shall be held April 9, 2019 to elect two (2) council members. 

Citizens of the Town desiring to be candidates for one of the above listed offices must file with the Lexington County Voter Registration and Elections, 605 West Main St, Lexington, SC.  Books will be open for filing February 1, 2019, 12 noon and remain open until February 11, 12 noon.    

A Statement of Candidacy, must be completed and turn in when filing.  The Statement of Economic Interest form MUST be completed on-line with the Ethics commission,; also the Campaign Disclosure must be completed on-line with the ethics commissions at the appropriate time. 

This is a nonpartisan election and no party affiliation shall be placed on the ballot.

People desiring to vote in the upcoming election must be registered by March 9, 2019.  To register, update, or obtain information on absentee ballots, please contact the Lexington County Board of Voter Registration at (803) 785-8361.

Polls shall open at 7am and remain open without interruption at the Gilbert Leisure Center, 411 Broad St; and remain open without intermission until 7pm.

At 9am on the Election Day the examination of the absentee ballot return envelopes at 605 West Main St, Suite 105.

On Thursday, April 11, 2019, at 9 am, the Lexington County Board of Commissioners will hold a hearing to determine the validity of ballots challenged in this election. The hearing will be located at 605 West Main St, suite 105, Lexington.

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